Co-Worker at C.H.O.S.E.
Electronics Engeneering Department
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Via del Politecnico 1
00133 Rome - ITALY
Phone: +39 0672597784
Fax: +39 0672597939
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Francesca Buccarello got her first level degree in Ingegneria Ambiente e Territorio at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (October 2006) about the Green Finance with thesis on "Finanza Verde. Il rispetto ambientale: da vincolo ad opportunità imprenditoriale".
Since April 2007 she is working on the application of the organic photovoltaic and she is responsible of the management of the Second Level Master Course in Photovoltaic Engineering (www.masterpv.org) .
She is actually enrolled to the specialistic degree in Ingegneria Ambiente e Territorio at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".