Valentina Mirruzzo

foto Valentina Mirruzzo


Valentina Mirruzzo

Post Doctoral  Research Fellow

c/o Casale 11
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Viale Pietro Gismondi s.n.c. - 00133 Rome - Italy

Phone: +39 06 7259 4382





 Valentina Mirruzzo was born on August 21st 1978 in Rome. After attending the secondary school at the Liceo Classico “Benedetto da Norcia”, she got her "maturità" diploma with the maximum grade (60/60). After a five year curriculum in Chemistry, she obtained the Italian Laurea in the academic year 2002-2003, graduating cum laude from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” with a thesis entitled ”Phenylselenylation of aryl ferrocenyl ethynes: reactivity comparison in organic solvents and Ionic Liquids” (supervisor, Profs. Barbara Floris and Valeria Conte).
From March 2004 she is working in the laboratory of Profs. Valeria Conte and Barbara Floris, having won a postlaurea grant MIUR-COFIN2003, on the project “Reazioni metallo catalizzate di Baeyer-Villiger con acqua ossigenata in liquidi ionici” (Metal-catalyzed Baeyer-Villiger reactions with hydrogen peroxide in Ionic Liquids).
A second grant on the same topic was won in 2005 starting from June to October.
From June 2007 she is working on organic photovoltaic in collaboration with Regione Lazio, having won a grant about: “Studio e sintesi di liquidi ionici per celle fotovoltaiche di tipo DSSC”.
From November 2004 to November 2007 she attended Ph. D. school in Chemistry at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. The 1st March 2008 she got her PhD defending a thesis titled: "Synthesis and Utilization of Ionic Liquids" under the supervision of Prof. Barbara Floris.
Currently she is postdoctoral fellow at university of Rome "Tor Vergata" under the supervision of prof. A. Di Carlo, being responsible for synthesis and characterization of Ionic Liquids in order to employing it as electrolites in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs).

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