Engineer - Ph. D. Candidate
Department of Electronics Engineering
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
C.H.O.S.E. Lab - Tecnopolo Tiburtino
Via Giacomo Peroni 400/402,
00131 Rome - ITALY
Mobile: +39 3478294364
Email: simone.casaluci - AT-
Simone Casaluci obtained the Master Degree in Electronic Engineering cum laude at University of Rome "Tor Vergata". His thesis was on: "Study of methods for determination the channel temperature, aimed at analyzing the thermal performance and to study the reliability of GaN-HEMT devices" (Supervisor, Prof. Aldo Di Carlo). He carried out his thesis in the laboratories of SELEX Sistemi Integrati (a Finmeccanica Company) in Rome, Italy.
Currently he is attending the Ph.D. (fellowship holder) in Telecommunications and Microelectronics Engineering (XXVII cycle) at C.H.O.S.E., within the OLAB (Optoelectonic and Nanoelectronic Devices) research group of the Electronics Engineering Department, at University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
Research Activity
During my studies at CHOSE lab, I have been involved in studying Perovskite-based solar cells and the all DSSC fabrication process. In particular, my R&D activity has been focused on fabrication of large area module (with optimization of layer deposition), with the aim to industrialize the process. Recently my studies involved finding alternatives to platinum on counter electrode for large-area DSSC, like nanocarbon-based materials as graphene (Graphene Flagship, European Project). Moreover the efforts are concentred to introduce in Perovskite solar devices carbon nanostructures. In general, my studies are oriented to increasing the solar cell efficiency and up-scaling the solar device. I am also interested in investigation of degradation phenomena and stability. His supervisors is Prof. Aldo Di Carlo.
- T. Gatti, S. Casaluci, M. Prato, M. Salerno, F. Di Stasio, A. Ansaldo, E. Menna, A. Di Carlo, F. Bonaccorso;
Boosting Perovskite Solar Cells Performance and Stability through Doping a Poly-3(hexylthiophene) Hole Transporting Material with Organic Functionalized Carbon Nanostructures, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016
- S.Casaluci, M. Gemmi, V. Pellegrini, A. Di Carlo, F. Bonaccorso
Graphene-based large area dye-sensitized solar cell module, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 5368
- S. Casaluci, L. Cinà, F. Matteocci, P. Lugli, A. Di Carlo
Fabrication and characterization of mesoscopic perovskite phodiodes, 2016 IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology
A. Fakharuddin,A.L Palma,F. Di Giacomo, S. Casaluci, F. Matteocci,Q. Wali,M. Rauf,A. Di Carlo,T. M Brown,R. Jose
Solid state perovskite solar modules by vacuum-vapour assisted sequential deposition on Nd:YVO4 laser patterned rutile TiO2 nanorods, 2015 Nanotechnology 26 49 4002
S. Casaluci, L. Cinà, A. Pockett, P. S. Kubiak, R. G. Niemann, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo, P.J. Cameron
A simple approach for the fabrication of perovskite solar cells in air, Journal of Power Sources 297 (2015) 504-510
DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.08.010
S. Razza, F. Di Giacomo, F. Matteocci, L. Cina, A.L. Palma, S. Casaluci, P. Cameron, A. D'Epifanio, S. Licoccia, A. Reale, T.M. Brown, A. Di Carlo
Perovskite solar cells and large area modules (100 cm2) based on an air flow-assisted PbI2 blade coating deposition process, Journal of Power Sources 277 (2015) 286 - 291
DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2014.12.008
- F. Matteocci, S. Razza, F. Di Giacomo, S. Casaluci, G. Mincuzzi, T. M. Brown, A. D'Epifanio, S. Licoccia and A. Di Carlo.
Solid-State mesoscopic solar module based on Organometal Halide Perovskite: A route toward the up-scaling process, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 2014
- G.Polino, S.Casaluci, M. Dianetti, S. Dell'Elce, A. Liscio, V. Mirruzzo, G. Cardone, G. Susanna, L.Salamandra, T.M. Brown, A.Reale, A. Di Carlo, F. Brunetti,
Inverted Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells using Polyethytlenimine-ethoxylated Process from a fully aqueous dispersion as electron-transporting layer
- F. Matteocci, S. Casaluci, S. Razza, A. Guidobaldi, T.M. Brown, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo
Solid state dye solar cell modules, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 246 15 January 2014, Pages 361–364.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.07.104
- Perovskite and a-Si:H/c-Si tandem solar cell
F. Matteocci, S. Razza, S. Casaluci, N. Yaghoobiniya, A. Di Carlo, L. Serenelli, M. Izzi, A. Mittiga, M. Tucci.
Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSEC), 2015 IEEE 42nd - New Orleans, LA, USA
- Fabrication and characterization of printed Perovskite-based photodiodes
S. Casaluci, L. Cinà, F. Matteocci, A. Di Carlo.
IEEE NANO 2015, 15th international conference on nanotechnology, 27-30 July 2015, Rome (Italy)
- Perovskite solar cell stabilized byCarbon Nanostructure-P3HT blend
S. Casaluci, T. Gatti, E. Menna, F. Bonaccorso, A. Di Carlo.
IEEE NANO 2015, 15th international conference on nanotechnology, 27-30 July 2015, Rome (Italy)
- High Efficient Perovskite solar cells by employing Zinc-Phthalocyanine as Hole Transoporting Layer
A. Agresti, S. Pescetelli, S. Casaluci, R.Lettieri, M. Venanzi, A. Di Carlo
IEEE NANO 2015, 15th international conference on nanotechnology, 27-30 July 2015, Rome (Italy)
- Fabrication and Stability of large area perovskite cells and modules
F. Matteocci, S. Razza, L. Cinà, S. Casaluci, N. Yaghoobiniya, G. Divitini, C. Ducati, Y. Busby, J-J. Pireaux, A. Di Carlo.
European Material Research Society Spring (E-MRS) 2015, Lille, France, 11-15 May 2015
- High-efficiency perovskite solar modules
F. Matteocci, L. Cinà, F. Di Giacomo, S. Razza, S. Casaluci, A.L. Palma, A. Guidobaldi, A. D'Epifanio, S. Licoccia, T. Brown, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo.
International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV15), Rome, Italy, 10-13 May 2015
- Monolithic Perovskite Photovoltaic Modules
A. Di Carlo, F. Matteocci, S. Razza, G. Mincuzzi, F. Di Giacomo, S. Casaluci, T.M. Brown, A. Reale, F. Brunetti, A. D'Epifanio, S. Licoccia
29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2014), Amsterdam, 22-26 September 2014
- Organic Photovoltaic: A Challenge for the Future.
L. Scrano, A. Di Marsico, S. Casaluci, L. Milella, V. Candido, A. Di Carlo
SET plan Conference 2014, Rome
DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1232.672
- Mesoscopic perovskite solar cells and modules
F. Matteocci, A. Di Carlo, S. Razza, G. Mincuzzi, F. Di Giacomo, S. Casaluci, T.M. Brown, A. Reale, D. Gentilini, F. Brunetti, A. D'Efifanio, S. Licoccia
2014 IEEE 14yh International Conference on Nanotecnology (IEEE-NANO), Toronto, Canada, Vol:70-74
DOI: 10.11.09/NANO.2014.6968015
- Perovskite solar cells based on P3HT doped with functionalized graphene nanoplatelets
S. Casaluci, T. Gatti, E. Menna, F. Bonaccorso, A. Di Carlo.
Graphene Flagship, Graphene Week 2015, 22 – 26 June 2015, Manchester (UK)
- Air vapour techniques to fabricate planar and mesoporous structure perovskite solar cell
S. Casaluci, L. Cinà, A. Pockett, P. S. Kubiak, R. G. Niemann, A. Reale, A. Di Carlo, P. J. Cameron.
International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV15), Rome, Italy, 10-13 May 2015
- Perovskite/silicon tandem device
F. Matteocci, S. Razza, S. Casaluci, N. Yaghoobiniya, A. Di Carlo, L. Serenelli, M. Izzi, A. Mittiga, M. Tucci.
European Material Research Society Spring (E-MRS) 2015, Lille, France, 11-15 May 2015
- Hybrids of thio-ethylporphyrazine with nanocarbons for photoinduced electron transfer
S. Belviso, E. Santoro, A. Summa, F. Lelja, A. Capasso, A.E. Del Rio Castillo, S. Casaluci, T.M. Brown, A. Di Carlo, F. Bonaccorso.
International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV15), Rome, Italy, 10-13 May 2015
- Investigation of Polyethytlenimine-ethoxylated full-aqueos dispersible as electron transporting layers for inverted bulk heterojunction solar cells
G.Polino, S.Casaluci, M. Dianetti, G. Cardone, L.Salamandra, G. Susanna, F. Brunetti, T.M. Brown, A.Reale, A. Di Carlo.
HOPV 2014, Lausanne (Switzerland) 11-14 May 2014
- Solid-State mesoscopic solar module based on Organometal Perovskite: A route toward the up-scaling process.
F.Matteocci, S.Razza, F.Di Giacomo, S.Casaluci, A. Di Carlo, S.Licoccia, A. D'Epifanio.
HOPV 2014, Lausanne (Switzerland) 11-14 May 2014
- Up-scaling Solid State DSC: From Cells to Modules
F.Matteocci, S.Casaluci, S.Razza, A.Reale, T. M. Brown and Aldo Di Carlo
EMRS Spring Meeting 2013, Palais del Musique et des Congrès, Strasbourg (France), 27-31 May 2013.