The Centre for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy (CHOSE) was founded in 2006 from the will of the Lazio Region and the University of Rome Tor Vergata to create a center of excellence in the field of next-generation photovoltaics.
CHOSE's research on perovskite photovoltaics for indoor application is now top news of June 2018 on Organic Semiconductor Analyst Direct (OSA Direct), the most important newsletter on the organic semiconductor industry.
Thanks to Janardan Dagar, Sergio Castro, Giulia Lucarelli and Thomas Brown
A great news for our TEAM!
The University of Rome "Tor Vergata" is now one of the partners of ESPResSo (Efficient Structures and Processes for Reliable Perovskite Solar Modules), a new project funded by the European Union.
Ready to work with:
IMEC, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Cnr Press, Fraunhofer ISE, CSGI - Research Center for Colloids and Nanoscience, University of Cyprus Alumni - Απόφοιτοι του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου and Saule Technologies.
CHOSE, from 13 to 14 April 2018, among the excellence guests of the Allianz E-Village, the first roman edition of Formula E in the "Nuvola di Fuksas" Convention Center
On 3 April 2018 a guest of excellence at CHOSE!
Jiyoung Kim, a professor at the UT Dallas Materials Science and Engineering, held a seminar on the Atomic Layer Deposition of innovative materials and visited our lab.
With Paolo Mariani and Aldo Di Carlo
Our perovskite / graphene modules on display at the Mobile World Congress (26 Feb - 1 Mar 2018) while charging a smartphone.
Thanks to the work of Antonio Agresti, Sara Pescetelli, Alessandro Lorenzo Palma and Aldo Di Carlo.
Thanks also to the partners ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI TECNOLOGIA and NANO Group - Kymakis Lab in "The Graphene Flagship".
CHOSE at GiTe 2018, the conference "Giornate sulla Termoelettricità" (sixth edition) hosted in Santa Margherita Ligure on February 21-22, 2018.
Andrea Reale illustrates in his talk the latest results obtained with the printable thermoelectric recently started in our lab!
A work in collaboration with Luca La Notte, Saeed Mardi, Paolo Mariani, Luigi Vesce, Sara Pescetelli, Antonio Agresti and Aldo Di Carlo.
February 2018: other important results at CHOSE!
Efficiency record for a perovskite module realized with the Charon automated blade coater of Cicci Research s.r.l.
Thanks to Luigi Vesce, Luigi Angelo Castriotta, Alessandro Lorenzo Palma and Fabio Matteocci.
The latest generation photovoltaic offers the opportunity to be applied on flexible substrates.
Here are some examples of the technologies used at CHOSE:
Aggiornamenti sui progressi della nostra collaborazione con Global Solar Fund (GSF) con cui stiamo sviluppando un nuovo metodo di coating.
"La ricerca e i test eseguiti hanno confermato le nostre ipotesi: una riduzione della temperatura indotta dal "coating" da 1 fino a 5° C con conseguente aumento della resa del pannello e quindi della produzione di energia. Terminata questa prima fase sperimentale del nostro progetto, ora possiamo passare ad ulteriori test sui nostri impianti con l’obiettivo di validare i dati registrati in laboratorio nei mesi più caldi."
Another prestigious goal for CHOSE, just back from the international scene. It is the result of the presence of CHOSE at the EXPO dedicated to the future of energy, housed in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, from 10 July to 10 September 2017.
In order to this important event, the first one for an Asian country, in the frame of the very suggestive setting of the italian pavilion designed by the architect Paolo Desideri Team, the Centre for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" has been selected by the Lazio Region to represent one of the excellence more in line with strategic actions aimed at ecological sustainability.
CHOSE has been invited to present the results of its research on graphene-perovskite modules at the Tallinn Digital Summit.
In the photo, Prof. Aldo Di Carlo is describing the research of CHOSE and of the Graphene Flagship to Italian Prime Minister On. Paolo Gentiloni.
The 19th edition of the International School on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (ISOPHOS®) will be held from the 2nd till 6th of September 2019 in the wonderful atmosphere of Castiglione della Pescaia (Italy)
CHOSE organizza in collaborazione con l'Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata e l'associazione FREEnergy un Master di II livello in "Ingegneria del Fotovoltaico" .
On the importance of ferroelectric domains for the performance of perovskite solar cells
The effect of ferroelectric polarization patterns in MAPbI3 on JV characteristics has been analyzed. We discuss models for the polarization orientation pattern and magnitude of the ferroelectric domains. Simulations performed on real patterns show that the presence of ordered ferroelectric domains, even with a weak characteristic polarization magnitude enhances the power conversion efficiencies and are mandatory to reproduce the experimental J-V characteristics.
A Crystal Engineering approach for perovskite solar cells and modules fabrication out of the glove box
we fabricated high efficiency perovskite solar cells (PSC) and perovskite solar modules (PSM) utilizing several Hole Transport Layers (HTLs). The results show that the Crystal Engineering approach remarkably improved the device performance reaching a power conversion efficiency of 17%, 16.8% and 7% for spiro-OMeTAD, P3HT and HTL free, respectively.
Fully-sprayed flexible polymer solar cells with a cellulose-graphene electrode
Light, flexible and low-cost organic solar cells made entirely by spray and with an innovative cellulose and graphene-based electrode! The work, in collaboration with the Smart Materials group of the ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI TECNOLOGIA has been published on the important magazine "Materials Today Energy".
Highly efficient perovskite solar cells for light harvesting under indoor illumination via solution processed sno2/mgo composite electron transport layers
A new architectures in CH3NH3PbI3 based planar perovskite solar cells incorporating solution processed SnO2/MgO composite electron transport layers that show the highest power outputs ever reported under typical 200–400 lx indoor illumination conditions.
Perovskite solar cells on paper and the role of substrates and electrodes on performance
The first perovskite solar cell (PSC) fabricated directly on a paper substrate with a maximum power conversion efficiency of 2.7% is here reported.
Photoelectrochemical and spectrophotometric studies on dye-sensitized solar cells (dscs) and stable modules (dscms) based on natural apocarotenoids pigments
We present a study on dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) and we fabricate dye-sensitized solar modules (DSCMs) based on natural apocarotenoids extracted from the achiote's seeds (annatto). Use of less polar solvent such as diethyl ether improves the bixin concentration in the annatto extract which, was employed as sensitizer in the devices.
Fully laser processed Perovskite Solar Cell modules with 95% Aperture Ratio
Laser patterning has been applied to realize Perovskite solar modules with a ratio between active and total substrate area of 95% and an efficiency of 9.3%. These values are new records for large area (14.5 cm2) fully laser processed perovskite devices. This work signs a forward step to the industrialization of perovskite based solar technology. Results have been published on IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2017.2732223
Graphene-Perovskite Solar module with efficiency 12.6% on 50 cm2
Graphene interface engineering (GIE) is proposed as an effective way to boost efficiency in Perovskite solar cells and modules.
A record efficiency of 12.6% on 50 cm2 module active area has been achieved by introduce Graphene in the mesoporous TiO2
and lithium neutralized graphene oxide (GO-Li) at the mTiO2/perovskite.
Results have been published on ACS Energy Lett. 2017, 2, 279−287
Reduced Graphene Oxide as Efficient and Stable Hole Transporting Material in Mesoscopic Perovskite Solar Cells
Nano Energy
DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2016.02.027
We fabricated the first perovskite-based monolithic series-type module showing very promising results in terms of the power conversion efficiency, the reproducibility of the fabrication process and long-term stability.
We fabricated perovskite based solar cells using CH3NH3PbI3-xClx with different hole transporting materials such as Spiro-OMeTAD and P3HT.
We fabricated the first solid state dye solar cell (SDSC) module using poly(3-hexilthiophene) (P3HT) as Hole Transport Material for the dye regeneration process.
Fully sprayed polymer solar cell modules open the way to bring Photovoltaics nominally everywhere, thanks to spray coating conformability to virtually any kind of substrate.
We have demonstrated the feasibility of the fabrication of a photovoltaic greenhouse roof by using techniques based on solution processing (spray coating and screen printing).